Since after my birthday I never updated here
These past few months had a lot of things happen
And I can't tell it one by one here
Blogging while listening songs is kinda relax
My blogging mood is always in the morning or night
And now is morning haha
I haven't even eat my breakfast
This semester is a bit tiring for me
Almost everyday need to wake up at 6 am
And I'm not a good kid who will sleep before 12 am
Lol how can you sleep that early while your housemates still hyperactive in the night
That's why I'm totally not enough sleep
31-7-14 The Last Operation Day
It was the last service for diploma's practical
After that it would have no more practical for restaurant service
Sounds sad
But we were just playing around that day haha
I was the cashier of the day
Although had some little problems
But it was fun
The last time to set the tables
Thankful to Mr. Goh who taught us everything
Not to forget, we are from Group 7
Mochi from Taiwan
Thanks my classmate who brought us the souvenirs
I'll try ro write more hahaha